The Azure Forest

The door swung open


Before me lay a forest

Drenched in emerald

But fading to a deep blue

In little more than a few meters

As though the sun

Brilliant as it shone

Could only impress upon me

But this small section of sight

I walked and all of me was heavy

Like a dream torpidity I felt the drag

I opened my mouth to call

To search for another

Who tread these verdant paths

But nothing came out

I slowly turned my sight skyward

Then I saw it

Just below the treetops

A shimmering blanket of wave

Where danced the rays of sun

This forest was also a sea

I do not drown

And I know these paths well

Though I never walked them

And upon this path

Quite by chance

I found another

She took my hand

And I, hers

And together we forged ahead

Deeper down its winding paths

There was something familiar

Something familial in her touch

A lover long lost

But no memories to say so


I know her

And she knows me

And together

We forge a world

In the endless blue


“Of course, hun

Everything will be fine…”

The last lie I told her

A loyal deception

Perpetrated from a place

Of warmth and love

Affection coating its edges

Hiding what lay beneath

The promise of loss

What loss inflicted

Infliction’s relief

No more waiting

The final end

I squeezed her hand

She sighed

And relaxed

The tears slipped down

Dropping dark pools on her dress

I was alone in a stark white nothing

Smelling of antiseptic and lemon

The silence she left behind

Bigger than the room

Engulfed those seconds

The moments before I let go

Of her already cooling hand

Our Every Morning

Dawn breaks

Thin shafts piercing dark

My arms are full

But heart is fuller yet

As I awaken

To find you close beside

You sure as well

Eyes open slowly

Deep pools of dark

I would gladly get lost within

Instead I pull you closer

And let forth a growl

Deep and full of lustful intent

You gasp and smile

Kissing my neck

Oh yes this is how it starts

My nails claw at your form

This close, still too far

We both know the only distance

That will finally be enough

Gasps and groans

This heat kills me

Little deaths

And I hope this night

Will end the same

And every day to come

At First Sight

A mess of midnight hair

And the rim of glasses

Espied over top of a cloth bound book

First time we spoke

His voice cracked

Nerves lit and burning already, sans touch

The night we fell

I gave a gentle kiss

Glasses removed along with our clothes

The heat was heavy

But our breathes more

And the crescendo mind-numbing bliss

As we lay in quiet

Arms enmeshed tight

He whispered soft “I’m sorry, my love”

The bite of steel

Cold snake stole breath

I gripped the handle tight and eyes alight

He shook his head

Pressed harder still

Fitting I suppose it would be this man

As darkness enclosed

Warmth returning

I closed my eyes and gave my forgiveness

My last question

My final thought

Just how long had this been his plan

When we lay

Or first spoke

Or even when furtive glance caught sight?

I felt his lips

Move close to my ear

“It was your eyes I couldn’t resist…”

A Hall of Sea-Sung Pasts

I’ve been walking long

No end in sight

Some parts are carpeted

Some barren, boards broken

Others shine like a Christmas Day

Allways continuing on

I’ve always feared peering behind

Looking back on those long untouched parts

As I look over my shoulder

The hallway curves

Almost imperceptibly

Beyond my vision

I decide to rest

Head against the wall

This part of me never hungers

But cries for respite

My dream is elsewhen

The hallway here shifts

A slow and steady rocking

Sea swell bucks beneath my feet

A window beside

Porthole in truth

Gazes upon an unbroken horizon

Even these waves not breaking that expanse

Slowly I walk on

Then a drawing

An artist’s rendering

Crew in revel

Watery ale poured freely

And there I stand

A different face

Voice rattling from sea-spray scratch

But eyes alight with the same life

And besides me stands


Allways here

Allways finding me

Or I find her

What difference does it make

So long as we are beside

A bit further on

A moment frozen in time

The water breaks

As something hits it

My lungs fill

Hard to breath

Above she cries

Leaping after

Beneath the ocean

We embrace

As the cold stabs

As the air flees

We kiss

A promise

To find each other

Once again


If there was a man


Who was everything you ever wanted

What you alway desired

And he hypothetically lived

In a big old house

Alone and want for love

Could you see yourself loving him


Only in concept

A purely thought formed man

Chiseled features

And flowing hair

The idea of perfection

Hypothetically waiting for you

In his imagined house

Dressed sharp

Just the way you like


You thought you could love him

You thought you were there

Holding him and kissing him

And living and loving

So perfectly lovely

But you awake each day


This man forgotten

For only a moment

And when you return

To this theoretical place

He feels like you were allways gone

You feel so guilty


You thought you loved him

You thought it was perfect

Until the day

You found him dead

Edges fuzzy and blurry and red

Already forgetting his breath

His perfect laugh

You realized

You didn’t love this man

You only thought of him


And so you went on

Your life none the worse

And from time to time

You think to yourself

The perfect man didn’t exist

Except the one

Who lived


World Crafting

I will work





Crafting every man

Woman and child

A world in a page


Their hopes

Their dreams

Their fears

Their deeds


Rolling hills

Sparkling rivers

Gleaming peaks


All flora

All fauna

All rocks

All seas


A perfect world

And beautiful people




Something is missing


Some pain

Yes and strife

Death on wings unseen


More woes

More loss

More tears

More sobs


Yes now it’s real

A touch more war

A bit more anger


Less laughs

Less love

Less light

Less hope


Look upon my works

Ye readers

And despair


I am the villain

Ultimate antagonist

End of all stories


Someday Soon

The leather squeaks as I shift nervously

Butterflies seems an inadequate description

A flock of harried crows quarrel in my stomach

Tap tap tapping the seat as I watch the doors

My phone buzzes and I check if it’s her

“Landed and we’re unboarding! See you soon, love!”

I smile like a fool, face flush with color

Now I take a deep breath and stand up

Pacing a bit, feet unable to find rest now we’re so close

Somehow time seems to slow and elongate

Like nearing a singularity

The closer we were the slower it got

The farther she felt

As if time would not allow for this to be


I see her smile through the glass

Little ones tagging along behind

As they step through the door

I am there to embrace them

Love overflowing unrestrained

It all seemed a dream

But truly

The universe allowed it


We share a bite

Splitting scratch

Drive me wild

And to the grave

We die together

And abandon the day

No light required

Between our radiance

Dominance but not possessive

Collar but no whip needed

Sweetness with a twist

Lemon and rum

And our favorite

A bit of mint

The taste of us

My Favorite Color is

Cerulean skies bend to us

Bend down to us

Enwrapping our bodies

Cobalt crash river blast

Swirls our souls in cyan sound

We don ultramarine masks

Only we see behind

Bice bear runs beside indigo wolf

Viridian plays over our forms

We bask in this azure light

Never to ascend without the other

And now my favorite color is you